Best of Build on 450sqm

Best of Build on 450sqm

That's a Great Fit - Don't rate a block by it's coverage — you'll be surprised how much house you can squeeze on 450sqm.

Rubens 230 Best of Build on 450sqm

Details: 243sqm total size 191 sqm living areas | 9m width | 22.5m depth | 3 bedrooms 2.5 bathrooms | 2 living areas | double garage | 2.7m ceilings (ground) 2.6m ceilings (upper)

Why we like it: Slim, stylish and light-filled with a smart. modern townhouse appearance and an abundance of internal space. Hidden assets are the discreet second lounge and long laundry, tucked almost out of sight.

This exact model is no longer sold please see our two storey Rembrandt 365

19-Jun-16 -  The Sunday Mail Home Magazine 


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