Monet 200

Monet 200

Monet 200

3 beds 2 baths 1 living area 1 study


Monet 200

Priced from $193,900    Width 11.9m   Depth 24.1m   Total Area 197.0m2Download brochure

Monet 200 floorplan

Plans and elevations are artist’s renderings only, may not accurately represent the actual condition of a home as constructed and may contain options or furnishings that are not standard.

Raphael 225

Raphael 225

Raphael 225
3 beds 2 baths 2 living areas 1 study


Raphael 225

Priced from $203,000   Width 11.6m   Depth 21.5m   Total Area 221.1m2  Download brochure


Raphael 225 Floorplan

Plans and elevations are artist’s renderings only, may not accurately represent the actual condition of a home as constructed and may contain options or furnishings that are not standard.

Dali Villa 185

Dali Villa 185

Dali Villa 185
3 beds 2 baths 2 living areas 1 study


Dali Villa 185

Priced from $193,400    Width 9.1m   Depth 22.6m   Total Area 187.4m2Download brochure


Dali Villa 185 Floorplan

Plans and elevations are artist’s renderings only, may not accurately represent the actual condition of a home as constructed and may contain options or furnishings that are not standard.

Miro 205

Miro 205

Miro 205
3 beds 2 baths 1 living area 1 study


Miro 205

Priced from $200,000    Width 11.9m   Depth 19.9m   Total Area 202.3m2Download brochure


Miro 205 floorplan

Plans and elevations are artist’s renderings only, may not accurately represent the actual condition of a home as constructed and may contain options or furnishings that are not standard.

Picasso 195

Picasso 195

Picasso 195
3 beds 2 baths 2 living areas


Picasso 195

Priced from $187,500   Width 11.6m  Depth 22.1m  Total Area 198.4m2Download brochure


Picasso 195 Floorplan

Plans and elevations are artist’s renderings only, may not accurately represent the actual condition of a home as constructed and may contain options or furnishings that are not standard.

Dali Villa 170

Dali Villa 185

Dali Villa 170
3 beds 2 baths 2 living areas 1 study


Dali Villa 170

Priced from $174,700   Width 8.1m   Depth 22.4m   Total Area 163.5m2 Download brochure

Dali Villa 170 Floorplan

Plans and elevations are artist’s renderings only, may not accurately represent the actual condition of a home as constructed and may contain options or furnishings that are not standard.

Dali Villa 155

Dali Villa 130

Dali Villa 155
3 beds 2 baths 1 living area 1 study


Dali Villa 155

Priced from $164,200    Width 8.1m   Depth 20.3m   Total Area 144.2m2Download brochure

Dali Villa 155 Floorplan

Plans and elevations are artist’s renderings only, may not accurately represent the actual condition of a home as constructed and may contain options or furnishings that are not standard.

Dali Villa 130

Dali Villa 130

Dali Villa 130
3 beds 2 baths 1 living area


Dali Villa 130

Priced from $157,200  Width 8.1m   Depth 18.8m   Total Area 134.4m2Download brochure


Dali Villa 130 Floorplan

Plans and elevations are artist’s renderings only, may not accurately represent the actual condition of a home as constructed and may contain options or furnishings that are not standard.

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